Figuereo still facing criminal charges in Albany
On Tuesday, July 5th, Saratoga BLM wrote an open letter to the Saratoga Springs City Council, "requesting" that BLM organizer, Lexis Figuereo be placed on the newly created Civilian Review Board.
The Civilian Review Board is meant to provide an element of public oversight over the city’s police department. But the reality is that a CRB is a legal tool for political activists to create a hostile work environment for the police department.
Moving Saratoga Forward tried to warn Saratoga Residents that the goal of BLM was to place their activists on the Civilian Review Board. These are the same activists that have expressed a desire to defund and abolish the police.

We have opposed a CRB from the beginning largely because its unnecessary, costly and would be weaponized by activists to attack the police causing the officers to leave.

And now it looks like everything we had predicted is coming true.
I have to tell you, its so hard being the smartest person in Saratoga. Being able to predict the future and having no one believe me is a total curse.