Lakhtakia's organization, Democratic Socialists of America, seeks to abolish police and prisons.

SSCSD School Board Trustee, Natalya Lakhtakia protests alongside local BLM leader Lexis Figuereo who is standing trial on multiple charges including attempted assault of police officers outside of the Albany South Police Station.
Lakhtakia is a self described "Woke" Socialist who organizes for a far left wing extremist organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
"I am a member of DSA. I joined after AOC (Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez) was elected. I maintain my membership and am active in our local chapter."

Donation made to BLM Leader Figuereo
The day after Figuereo was arrested for attempted assault outside the Albany Police Department South Station, Lakhtakia donated to his "get out of jail" fund.

Lakhtakia/DSA have extremist views on police and prisons.
Lakhtakia and DSA hold several controversial views as it pertains to police and prisons. By signing on to 8 to Abolition, DSA called for the complete abolition of all police and all prisons.
"For all of the working class to achieve collective liberation we must constrain, diminish, and abolish the carceral forces of the state — from prisons and police themselves, to their manifestations in all forms throughout society"

The organization has also called for the elimination of all Resource Officers from schools. In Saratoga Springs City School District that would mean the termination of Officer Barrett and Sheriff Deputy Martin, both of whom are employed as part of a program to keep our schools safe.
"Decarcerate our schools by repealing truancy laws, ending all zero tolerance disciplinary policies, suspensions and expulsions, surveillance of students, and removing police — both public and private — from all schools, colleges, and universities"
Our Take
A recent poll conducted by Skidmore college found that 65% of voters in Saratoga Springs self identify as having moderate views.
Natalya on the other hand is a far left wing extremist who holds many disturbing views that are far outside of main stream public opinion.
Could you really imagine a society where murderers and rapists are allowed to walk free after they commit horrific crimes?
Given the School Boards influence on policy, curriculum decisions and young minds, we must ask ourselves whether or not having a "Woke" extremist like Lakhtakia in a position of power makes the academic experience better or worse?
With so many highly qualified candidates running for school board trustee in Saratoga, there is no reason someone like Natalya should be a member of that board.
Clearly, Lahtakia is too extreme for Saratoga.