Routine acts of violence occurring in high school bathrooms as hall monitors quit their job.
Moving Saratoga Forward has obtained disturbing new video of another act of physical violence at Saratoga Springs High School. According to our source, these fights happen regularly in what has been to described to us as a juvenile fight club existing in the boys bathrooms.
School officials in denial
High School Principal Tsao has denied allegations about an increase of violent and other anti-social behavior at the high school.
Board of Trustee President, Angie Emeka has held the same. During the April 12 meeting of the board of education, Emeka suggested that reports of a rise in violence in the district "isn't actually factual." (7:00-7:27)
Emeka's comments were backed up by board members Lahtakia, Brueggemann and Krackler.
However an email sent by SSTU President Tim McGuggian suggested otherwise.
"There have been several disturbing incidents in the past week alone that have prompted us to take this beyond the building level and make this a top priority for the entire district." - Tim McGuggian Union President SSTU
Administrators and Board Leadership Refuse to Discipline
McGuggian has said that there is "a lack of administrative support when students are referred for discipline."
But the question is why?
One reason may be the restorative justice practices implemented by many school districts throughout the county.
Restorative justice at the district level is best understood as NYS's Bail Reform for Schools. Whereby even repeat offenders aren't disciplined because of the misguided notion that statistical disparities between ethnic groups in school discipline rates is somehow caused by bias and racism.
As a result the academic experience for the children and families attempting to exercise their right to an education is greatly diminished.