"What we say matters" - John Brueggemann in 2019
Oh how times have changed.....

We first met Saratoga Springs School Board Trustee, John Brueggemann in 2019 during his first election for the school board.
Back then, John, a sociology professor at Skidmore college, spent a lot of his time talking about “civility” and “positive discourse.”
In fact, on John's website, he makes reference to "civility" a number of times.
Brueggemann suggested that the lack of civil discourse is what motivated him to enter the race for school board back in 2019.
"When the debate about the grounds monitors unfolded Brueggemann was disappointed that the lack of civility quickly undermined the substantive discussion.
“That’s one of many issues that has motivated me to step up,” he said. “Our school district has a lot of strengths, including a stellar safety score, and I want to build on those strengths. We do that by following the evidence. Good governance also requires collaboration, fiscal responsibility, and hard work."
Here is a video from the 2019 LWV candidate forum. Listen to John wax poetic about civility, community, trust, collaboration, communication....
Well, times have certainly changed. John Brueggemann is facing intense pressure from the community to respond to allegations that he called parents “bastards” in an email communication to a Saratoga Springs HS English teacher.
During the April 28th Board of Education meeting, two parents confronted John over his harsh comments.
“A school board member blowing off the concerns of his constituents who he is supposed to represent and referring to them in this manner (bastards) is totally unacceptable,” said Mark Crockett of Wilton.
Mr. Crocket continued; “clearly it is time for a change to this board. On election day May 17th, we the people will begin to make the necessary changes" (presumably referring to Brueggemann's re-election).
Carmela Frias from Saratoga Springs spoke next; “Do you hate all parents or just some of us? How do we go from making resolutions calling for civility to calling private citizens “bastards?”
Brueggemann did not address the allegations during the meeting
Moving Saratoga Forward's advice?
John, acknowledge your mistake and apologize to the parents that you offended.
Until then, you have lost the ability to claim the title; “Mr. Civility.”