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Woke School Board Trustee HATES Capitalism

Writer's picture: MSFMSF

Updated: May 16, 2022

Natalya Lakhtakia, Saratoga Springs School Board Trustee, is a dues paying member of an extremist organization that wants to ABOLISH Capitalism, Cops and Prisons.


In a previous article we demonstrated that Natalya Lakhtakia is a dues paying member, and proud organizer for the Democratic Socialists of America. DSA is a radical left wing organization that wants to abolish police and prisons (seriously).

From the Democratic Socialists of America Political Platform - 2021

But where does Woke Natalya and DSA stand on Capitalism? As we would expect, DSA wants to abolish capitalism too....

"We fight for the abolition of capitalism and the creation of a democratically run economy that provides for people’s needs." (DSA Political Platform)

Don’t take our word for it. Instead check out what NYS Democratic Party Chairman, Jay Jacobs said about members of DSA like Natalya Lahtakia.

“I’ve read the DSA platform. Everyone should. Tell the voters where you and the DSA stand on "defunding the police;" ending capitalism in America, unilaterally disarming the nuclear deterrent of the U.S. military, and seizing private businesses that have to lay off workers even when their survival requires it. [DSA Members] should tell the voters that she favors decriminalization of "sex work," making 26-year-olds who commit violent crimes "youthful offenders" and the discontinuance of gang databases. Simply, the DSA wants America to replace the capitalist system with the historically proven failure of socialism.”

So what's Capitalism exactly?

Some people confuse Capitalism with profits, but that is not what Woke Natalya and DSA mean when they say Capitalism.

By Capitalism, DSA means private business ownership.

In Natalya's world, if you own a small business which employs other people, you are, by definition an oppressor, and an exploiter of your employees.

Obviously "oppression" can't be tolerated, so the system that brought the masses out of grinding generational poverty and some semblance of wealth (capitalism) needs to be eliminated and replaced with?

SOCIALISM. And by socialism they don't mean Denmark or Nordic social democracy (also capitalism), they mean Venezuela, Cuba etc.


Lakhtakia is running for election to the Board of Education in Saratoga Springs School District. Election Day is May 17th.



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